If 2020 was death and loss and surviving. And, if 2021 was coming up for air and assessing. And, if 2022 was about being resilient. Then, I believe 2023 is about courage.
Specifically, finding the courage to continue moving forward with multiple heartbeats of love.
At our corner, we believe treating people kindly, with the drum of our heart beating rhythms of love, strengthens individuals, unites families, builds relationships, and ultimately, creates healthy, prosperous, and united communities. Living where the commonality of a people, despite the differences in our personal beliefs, without judgement, creates a peaceful environment. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good.”
― Elizabeth Edwards
Can you believe we are at the end of the year? Many times I wondered how we’d get through this extraordinary challenge and whether this would ever end, or whether we were possibly stuck in some weird time loop. But, in between forgetting what day of the week or month it was, we somehow found a…
2020, the start of a new decade. Like many others, I started this year with a full list of exciting things I wanted to accomplish. After careful consideration, I created a plan to help me reach my business, career, and personal aspirations; even going as far as…
Love. It’s such a complicated word. Complicated because there are so many ways to take the meaning of it into consideration. We are all taught a version of how to love based on what is understood by the one teaching it to us. And it seems to begin with our parents, our siblings— or the people who raise us. We love them, because…
Wouldn’t it be nice if loving one another came with a set of directions, at the very least a manual with a headline exclaiming: “THIS is What Love Is!”? And, if only we could fully decipher the actual feelings experienced with that image, it could be…
Hi. It’s me, Rachel, founder and owner of corner of peace+love.
My decision to write these blogs was based on a desire to change the tone and the messages that we have been seeing too frequently on social media platforms, after finding so many angry people yelling at others for not thinking or believing like them; after finding that…
All of my life I have been looking for something to explain why I am here, living this life, at this time, in this place. What is the point of it, I often wonder; and what is my purpose? As I ponder these questions, I realize I…
Sometimes we feel the need to retreat to a place, a memory, where we once felt happy, carefree and safe, even if it is just to remember what that feeling of being happy was like. The fact of the matter is however, a place is…
It’s been seven months of limited movements, and if only to fulfill basic needs. When I have to leave the house, I place a mask over my nose and mouth and brave walking into and…
There comes a time in our lives when we are forced to look in the mirror to see the person we have become. Usually when we look in the mirror, it’s with a periphery glance to confirm our hair and makeup looks okay, our eyebrows are not unkempt, there is nothing in our teeth, and…
What a moment we are living in within this spectrum of time and place. While we sit in quiet repose during this COVID quarantine, the ribbons of the sun continue to flash their colors of perfection as she dances across our sky with each passing day; our moon waxes up to its full glory illuminating our dark nights with a radiant glow before he wanes into a perfect void, where the only light fragments appear from the sparkle of the brilliant stars, leaving me feeling…
Can you believe we are in the final weeks of summer and already stepping towards autumn? As I look back at this year, I find myself somewhat awestruck that it has been seven months since I self-isolated. It feels like yesterday that I was preparing myself mentally, emotionally and logically, to shelter in place. But as the nation started to slowly open back up, I was able to visit with family members because of a medical emergency, and even spent some time with a friend, once. Mostly though, I stay home and keep myself entertained by…
Words matter— a lot. What we say to a person can inspire hope, personal empowerment, or even a feeling of belonging. The words we choose are a reflection of our heart. If there is nothing but love there, our words can be soothing. And during times like these, isn’t that what we all want?
During this COVID moment, are you finding the time to listen to your heart? What song is your heart humming, in these indeed different times? What is your wind song? Can you hear it?