corner of peace+love

love breeds peace

hang on to love

rachel gauna

What a moment we are living in within this spectrum of time and place. While we sit in quiet repose during this COVID quarantine, the ribbons of the sun continue to flash their colors of perfection as she dances across our sky with each passing day; our moon waxes up to its full glory illuminating our dark nights with a radiant glow before he wanes into a perfect void, where the only light fragments appear from the sparkle of the brilliant stars, leaving me feeling in awe. Personally, I find all that comprises our Mother Earth truly inspiring — she feeds and nourishes me; cradles and comforts me. And at times, she disciplines me.  

Sort of like now in this state of being still. The air we breathe has become polluted with an infectious virus where we are forced to wear a mask when we go out and are amongst others, and where we must also maintain more than six feet from anyone who doesn’t live with us. As we aspire to do our part of not getting infected, or potentially spreading this weird virus unknowingly, we find ourselves separated from the people we usually feel most connected. It is in this moment of separation where, like a child, I feel as if I am grounded. 

Fortunately, technology enables a semblance of being connected to those we love. Sometimes it’s short text messages that pop up on a tiny screen that remind us we’re not alone. Other times, its distorted sounds of a familiar voice that fill our eardrums and quickly seeps feelings of happiness into our hearts. Better yet, if we have a video call, we get to see a face, or two, and experience a different level of excitement. 

Feeling connected is important, especially when quarantine makes us feel isolated. It’s a reminder that we belong… that we are loved, that we are not alone in this, and more importantly, that we still know how to love. And when we have or find special people that make our lives that much richer, we should do what it takes to keep that connection going; because a life without love is pretty empty.

This pandemic may have prevented us from traveling across the country to spend quality time with friends and family, but it doesn’t mean we stop showing that we love each other. 

Here are a few ways to stay connected and maintain a happy relationship with people you love:

    • Send a text message or two and take a few moments to have a short conversation

    • Take snapshots of household family activities and send to other family members so they can feel like they’re a part of the experience 

    • Order something and have it shipped with a kind note 

    • Write a poem, paint something, or even make something and mail it to someone special… if this is not your forte, buy from a local crafts maker instead

    • Send a letter, a postcard or fun card to someone

    • Read a book, listen to a podcast, or watch a TV series with a person not living with you and schedule time to share your thoughts about it

    • If you hear a song, or see a meme that makes you think of someone, send a link to that person

    • Share a positive memory with a friend and express why that memory stands out the most

    • Mostly, if your friend or family member is feeling angst in one way or another, take the time required to sit and listen, or share humorous content from the web to cheer them up

    • Organize a family or a friends zoom happy hour (or any other hour…)

    • Bake or cook something and leave it on your loved one’s doorstep with a nice note.

    • If you’re comfortable, take a walk (with a mask) in an uncrowded area with a family member or friend that’s also been quarantined; or bring your own blanket and picnic basket and sit 6 feet apart in a park where there aren’t a lot of people. Again, wear your mask.

Even though we remain in isolation, we are still among the living. And the best part of living is remaining connected to the people we love… folks who make our life just that much more meaningful.

Don’t let them go!

“If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.”

— Princess Diana