Can you believe we are at the end of the year? Many times I wondered how we’d get through this extraordinary challenge and whether this would ever end, or whether we were possibly stuck in some weird time loop. But, in between forgetting what day of the week or month it was, we somehow found a way through every phase of the quarantine process and through every moment that we were asked to be separated from our loved ones.
It hasn’t been easy for sure.
At times, we may have found ourselves taking the risk to meet with people we loved while taking all the necessary safety precautions. Other times, some of us had to unfortunately risk being around others who refused to wear their mask, because some of us didn’t have the luxury of working from home – and sadly had to pray each day that they would not get sick. A mass majority of us even took the risk to go out and vote! And, while the number of covid cases keep rising in our communities, we are begrudgingly finding the will to stay-in a little longer when we can.
It’s been a really rough year! To date more than 300,000 lives have been lost to covid, in the US alone, and the numbers are expected to continue to rise . A lot of us know someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, either from covid or any other incident. The inability to be around loved ones make us suffer in silence because we had no choice. This is why it’s important more than ever, that we should find a way to reach out to the people we love — sans judgement.
As the days slipped into each other, blurring the winds of time, we also found an erosion of things that no longer matter as much; like the fancy getaways, the pedicures and manicures, the negative opinions of others, or the hurt from a word said by someone close. Instead, we discovered that sitting in a room alone is actually fine— for now. But we know that life with people we love makes life that much more meaningful and enjoyable. And in the end, some of us accepted that most times, our relationships with those we love means more, than winning an argument. We realized that choosing love would help build a bridge of peace with those we missed— those we lost touch with, because of something once said. And, some of us faced the fact that a separation helped us to see how not being in that relationship was the best thing. Some of us called out to God to say thank you!
Thank you for showing us the truth about what matters most!
And during this time of reflection, some of us rekindled a relationship with the person we seem to neglect the most— ourselves.
We have learned so much; felt so much; gained so much… and yet also lost so much; and now it is as if we are ending this year discovering the best part of being alive which is pure love for one another and for ourselves… for some of us, it is a love for God. And all of that inspires hope for the new year.
So, let’s celebrate because no matter how hard it was, and no matter how many times we weren’t sure how we could get through another day, in the end we did it! We made it through a year that shook our rusted cage in a way that’s never been shaken, until the bars finally collapsed. We have been set free… free to start on a new pathway along a story book trail that we get to blaze with this newfound realization and passion for moving forward for a better way of life that we are trying to live— if we so choose.
In the meantime, let us take a look at just what we have been able to accomplish! Let us take this new change of heart and spell out new goals that align with the new person we have become with our new 20/20 insight. Know, this moment of stillness is not in vain. The light is on the horizon… can you feel the glow of a new tomorrow?
Within the next two weeks, we will be able to see Saturn and Jupiter align perfectly to shine a once-in-a-lifetime brilliance across our sky, we will celebrate Christmas with a new appreciation for family and love – and certainly in a way like no other time we can remember. And, we will also ring in a new year that is sparkling with a glimmering ray of a new rising sun!
I am hopeful that if we were able to get through this year, it’s possible we may overcome anything life may throw at us; we will overcome having to wait a little while longer as the vaccination becomes available to the masses, as we find our way out of this pandemic.
We did it!
And we can do this for a little while longer.
Thank you! Thank you for your support of my new little business this year by reading and liking my blogs, for buying and wearing my shirts. Like all new business owners, it has been a struggle— but like all small business owners, we are grateful for your love and support.
And, we look forward to learning and growing with you in the upcoming year. From the bottom of our big juicy hearts bubbling with exuberant love, here at the corner of peace+love, to your big and bubbly juicy heart, we wish you a very merry Christmas, a very happy Hanukah, and a joyous ringing in of the new year!
See you next year!