corner of peace+love

love breeds peace


vote for love

blograchel gaunaComment

Hi. It’s me, Rachel, founder and owner of corner of peace+love.

My decision to write these blogs was based on a desire to change the tone and the messages that we have been seeing too frequently on social media platforms, after finding so many angry people yelling at others for not thinking or believing like them; after finding that…

seasons – bring new beginnings and new opportunities, will you seize them?

rachel gaunaComment

Can you believe we are in the final weeks of summer and already stepping towards autumn? As I look back at this year, I find myself somewhat awestruck that it has been seven months since I self-isolated. It feels like yesterday that I was preparing myself mentally, emotionally and logically, to shelter in place. But as the nation started to slowly open back up, I was able to visit with family members because of a medical emergency, and even spent some time with a friend, once. Mostly though, I stay home and keep myself entertained by…