It’s our favorite time of year! And We LOVE Being A Part of Christmas in October! Come See US!
“you cannot put a price on love, or peace, but the cost of living a life without either is one that ultimately becomes burdensome; where we will pay top dollar just to feel a semblance of love, in hope of finding a glimmer of peace. love, like the air we breathe, is sustenance.”
where we live
We strive to live a humble, yet, fruitful life on our little corner of peace and love. Located on a plateau high in the Texas panhandle, where winds blow from all directions, humbling us with beautiful thunder storms; exciting us with popcorn worthy lightning shows; we aspire to be kind. It’s not always lavender fields and chamomile tea, for sure, especially given the current environment, where the social fabric of our great society is seemingly fraying faster than we can weave it back together, and the air we breathe has become polluted with hate fueled dissonance. But, we do our best to not let those sentiments sway who we choose to become, as a person.
We are aware that to maintain a quality of life inspired by peace, is a conscious choice. With purpose, we choose kindness; we choose to love; we choose peace.
It’s not always easy, but we choose to live on the corner of peace + love as best we can.
love breeds peace
At our corner, we believe treating people kindly, with the drum of our heart beating rhythms of love, strengthens individuals; unites families; builds relationships; and ultimately, creates healthy, prosperous, and united communities. Living where the commonality of a people, despite the differences in our personal beliefs, sans judgement, creates a peaceful environment. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
When we independently decide to remove the debilitating labels we use to define us, the labels choking us out, like liberal, conservative, christian, or not; our true heart begins to show. We get to feel, and give, love. And because there is nothing to segment us into categories defined and categorized using a self-adhered label, we can breathe in the clean air of love.
If we can choose to love one or another, imagine the peace that will emanate freely when we meet each other.
Isn’t it time?
t-shirt designs
The t-shirt designs are my own and based on our philosophy that love is a choice. We believe that, while you are wearing one of our shirts, someone else may read the saying, and hopefully process the concept, recall it later, and make a choice to use that saying as their personal guiding principle; a mantra of sorts.
We aspire to expand our little corner to yours with the hope that we can all breathe in the air that fills our beating hearts with love; where we can all live together in peace. Imagine!
The thing is, for this to work, we have to embody the saying by living the concept while we are wearing the shirt. Sometimes it’s hard! But, if we remember, treating people kindly is a choice, eventually, it will become a habit, and much easier to be true to our heart.
The goal is to make a positive impact in the world, one kind word at at time. Together, Let’s Do This!